"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. PTA

Parent Teacher Assosciation (PTA)

Who is the PTA?

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a voluntary group composed of teachers and parents/carers from St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School (the School).

What does the PTA do?

The PTA supports the School by promoting activities and events, which bring parents/carers and their children together in a social, friendly setting. The PTA also stages these events to help raise extra funds for the School to spend on our children, including the Year 6 leavers.


Some of the PTA’s recent accomplishments have included the following:

  • Contributed £150 per class to subsidize a class trip and reduce the cost to families
  • Hosted annual school discos for each year group
  • Promoted our diverse School community by celebrating cultures from around the world by organizing the annual International Evening
  • Managed the annual Christmas Fair, which helps promote festive spirit whilst raising funds for the school.
  • In addition, the PTA sell Christmas cards as designed by our children
  • Raised funds for each class including Forest School and DT by hosting ice-lolly and cake sales


During 2024-25 the PTA is working to once again work together with parents/carers and teachers  to hold these and other events.  As you can appreciate, all these events take some organising. The PTA needs your help: new volunteers and ideas help to continue bringing new events and fundraisers to the School.

We hope to you can participate in the PTA meetings and sponsored events.  Please contact us for more information about how to help by emailing: pta3838@st-josephs-pri.oxon.sch.uk. We look forward to hearing from you!


2024-2025 PTA Committee

o Chair: Patricia Amony

o Co/Vice Chair: Maria Isabella Sereni and Etelvina Ferreira

o Treasurer: Alessio Peluso

o Secretary: Ludka Hodac