"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. About Our School
  2. Vacancies


For the below vacancies, we will consider applications on receipt.  We reserve the right to close the advertised vacancy should a candidate be appointed.

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Posts in our school involve the type of work with children and young people that requires applicants to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service check. The possession of a criminal record will not necessarily prevent an applicant from obtaining these posts. All users are considered confidentially and according to the nature of the role and information disclosed.  Keeping our pupils safe is our first priority. We follow safer recruitment practices as per KCSIE and will rigorously take up and check references and carry out an internet check as per guidance.



Job Share opportunity

0.5 FTE for 1 academic year

Required for September 2025

Leadership scale L18-L24


Our school has a strong Catholic ethos with a vibrant, broad and ambitious curriculum and vision for our children. We are proud to try to live out to the full our school Mission “Let us protect with love all that God has given us” (Pope Francis 2103).


The Governing Body wishes to appoint an outstanding practicing Catholic to work in partnership with our current experienced head teacher, in a job share role.  The current head teacher will continue as a 0.6 FTE from Monday to Wednesday.


The successful applicant will work 0.5 FTE from Wednesday afternoon until Friday. This is for a one-year, fixed term contract starting September 2025.


The current head teacher is looking forward to the opportunity of working in partnership with the successful candidate to promote the many successes of our school and continue on the ambitious school development plan. The duties of head teacher will be fully discussed collaboratively when the appointment is made and will be finalised depending on the strengths, skills and experience of the two job shares.  A lot of time has been put into thinking how to make this job share successful and the current head teacher would happily discuss this with any potential candidate when they come and visit.


What we offer:

>An experienced and forward-thinking job share who has worked at the school for 5 years as head teacher, has taken the school through a recent OFSTED, enjoys collaboration and is dedicated to making this a success. There will be dedicated time built in during the working week to ensure a smooth and robust induction and handover

>Supportive and experienced governors who are committed to school improvement

>An opportunity to co-lead a happy, diverse school with a warm and friendly atmosphere in the beautiful and challenging city of Oxford

>Enthusiastic, positive and well-behaved children with a supportive parent body – 100% of whom said that their child was happy at our school in the recent OFSTED survey

>Dedicated staff who are keen to offer the very best to our pupils

>Clear definition of roles to ensure clarity on shared responsibilities and individual responsibilities

>A well-resourced school with generous grounds and facilities and with a well sequenced and a curriculum focused on academic excellence

>An excellent broad and balanced curriculum, intentionally developing the whole child and encouraging every child to flourish. Our personal development programme is intentionally planned for and includes (but is not limited to!) outside learning in our forest and polytunnel, music, drama and singing with a choir and orchestra and a Music specialist teacher, design and technology and public speaking are a strength of the school and we offer an extensive range of trips, visitors and residential visits. Please see the website and our newsletters for further details.


We are looking for a person who:

>Loves learning and meeting the needs of all children

>Has a strong Catholic faith with a clear understanding of education and leadership in a Catholic school and in the wider community and has experience of the CSI process

>Has a proven track record as an outstanding practitioner and is an excellent team player who can work collaboratively with the 0.6 head teacher in partnership

>Will inspire, challenge, motivate and care for staff at all levels

>Will have a rigorous approach in identifying pupil achievement gaps and an innovative approach to addressing these

>Will nurture a strong caring ethos and community spirit in the school

>Has the ability and ambition to raise standards

>Will maintain, promote and develop the school’s partnership with parents, our three parishes (Greyfriars, St. Anthony of Padua and Corpus Christi) and the wider community

>Will continue to build strong links with other local Catholic and non-Catholic schools

>Has the vision to promote transitions leading to the inclusion of St. Joseph’s into a Catholic Multi-Academy Company.


Closing date: midday Friday 28th March 2025


Interviews: Monday 31st March 2025


If you wish to get a flavour for St. Joseph’s, you would be very welcome to visit our wonderful school, meet with our staff team and talk with the children. Please contact the Office Manager, Mrs G Sproat, on admin.3838@st-josephs-pri.oxon.sch.uk or call 01865 763357 to arrange a time to visit us. If you would like an informal conversation about the role, please contact Father Mervyn Tower, the Chair of Governors at FrMervyn3838@st-josephs-pri.oxon.sch.uk


Headteacher Application Pack

Full Advertisment Text Recruitment Monitoring Form
Headteacher Job Description Rehabilitation of Offenders Form
Headteacher Person Specification Consent to provide references Form
Application Form

Application Forms

 Application_Forms_-_Notes_to_Applicants - April 2019.pdfDownload
 Consent_to_Obtain_References_Form - April 2019.docxDownload
 e-Privacy Notice - Recruitment.pdfDownload
 Model_Application_Form_-_Support_Staff (1).docxDownload
 Model_Application_Form_-_Teacher (1).docxDownload
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