"Let us protect with love all that God has given us"

  1. Our Curriculum
  2. Religious Education

Religious Education

RE Progression

The children’s own experience, at the appropriate level of growth, is the basis on which their awareness and knowledge of God is developed.  Our religious teaching is not confined to specific daily lessons but permeates the whole life of the school and our dealings with the children, each other and visitors.  We use a pupil profile, adopted by the diocese, to frame the values and virtues we strive for in our school.

The Diocesan Scheme of Work, 'Learning and Growing as the People of God'. is supplemented by the celebration of the the Liturgical Year.  This is achieved through class teaching Prayer & Liturgy, assemblies and mass. Links to our leaflets for each year group can be found below.  As a Catholic School, we teach approximately half an hour of RE a day.  Families have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE.  If this is something you wish to consider, please arrange to meet with the headteacher.

The Gospel values are what Jesus asked us to follow and they are at the root of Catholic social teaching and so they are what we abide by behaving towards others here at. Joseph's.   We use the Caritas Programme to support our CST.


Here is a link to our planning document which sets out how Catholic Social Teaching strands (our Caritas Programme), RE teaching strands and our RSE (relationships and sex education) are planned into the academic year.

We also nurture our wider Catholic Life of the school through a variety of different ways.   Please click the link - Catholic Life Information  

 Mrs Hanlon is our Religious Education Lead